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Dakota Oyate Challenge​

Hand Game Tournament 2025

January 31

10:00 am cst

Auxiliary Gym


Passes are NOT included

Deadline for registration is January 24

Entree Fee $300

Send Team Roster and Name

of Teams/Schools to


  1. All teams must show respect and sportsmanship. Team sponsors will promote good sportsmanship.

  2. No arguing with judges or the committee. They will settle all disputes.

  3. Teams must be ready to play within ten (10) minutes of the conclusion of the previous game.

  4. Otherwise the game will be forfeited. No Exceptions.

  5. All team members must be listed on the team roster, with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5.

  6. Each team must have a captain or a head guesser.

  7. Guessers and hiders must identify themselves to opposing teams.


  9. No thumbs, hooks or forks.

  10. Only the team captain or the judges can call a time out to settle a dispute.

  11. The judges have the option to shorten a game that continues on too long. Sticks will be 

removed only during a stop and a tie.

12. The judges will take an active role in controlling the game.

13. Coordinator/ Judges decisions are FINAL!!


Lakota Style Hand Game Rules Marked Bones

Teams are required to bring their own

Lakota Style Sets
Eight Sticks Per Team and No Kick Stick


  1. If both sets of marked bones are guessed correctly, they must be forfeited to the guessing team.

  2. If both sets of marked bones are missed or guessed incorrectly, the guessing team must forfeit two sticks to the hiders team

  3. If one set of marked bones is guessed and the other set is missed: *the one who is missed hides the bones again
    *the guesser forfeits one stick to the opposing team
    *the one who is guessed will hold and be in a stay 

* if the 2nd guess is missed then both bones come back into play
*the guesser forfeits one stick to the opposing team
* if the 2nd guess is correctly guessed then the hiders forfeit the bones to the guessers.

  1. There are no live and dead sticks in Lakota Style

  2. A team must win all sixteen sticks to be declared the Winner

Make checks payable:

Dakota Oyate Challenge

Flandreau Indian School

1132 North Crescent St.

Flandreau, SD 57028

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